Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Under the Code of Federal Regulations (45 CFR 46) and state and University guidelines, the University of Arkansas at Monticello Institutional Review Board (IRB) governs any research involving human participants.  This includes all research undertaken by pp电子游戏下载pp电子游戏平台 students, staff, and/or faculty.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) process is essential for ensuring ethical research involving human subjects.  Here is a simplified process description:

  1. Develop Research Topic: Collaborate with your co-investigators to define your research topic and formulate a research protocol.
  2. Choose Appropriate IRB Review Type:
    • Exemption: If your study qualifies for minimal risk, you may apply for an exemption.
    • Expedited Review: For low-risk studies that require a quicker review process.
    • Full Review: Complex or higher-risk studies undergo a comprehensive review.
  3. Submit IRB Application:
    • Complete the necessary IRB application form.
    • Include details about your research design, informed consent process, and data collection methods.
  4. IRB Review and Approval:
    • The IRB evaluates your application.
    • They assess ethical considerations, participant protections, and compliance with regulations.
    • Once approved, you can proceed with your research.

Remember, the IRB ensures that research respects participants’ rights, safety, and well-being. It’s a crucial step in maintaining ethical standards during the research process.

IRB Information

IRB Information


Protocol forms should be completed in their entirety before submission to the IRB.  In addition to the protocol form, requesters must include survey tools, informed consent, and proof of IRB training.  IRB approvals are good for one calendar year.  Should the researcher need additional time for the study, Appendix F must be completed and submitted to the IRB before year’s end.  The forms are below:

Appendix A – Exempt Protocol Form 
Appendix B – Protocol Form
Appendix D – Example Informed Consent Form
Appendix E – Example of Implied Consent Form
Appendix F – Continuing Review for IRB Approved Projects